Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Misbegotten Notion of a Tenacious Heart

The nature of a formless, 
The pure stigma of turbulent bliss
Vexes the mind with elusive solace
Like birth from sleep in the lightest kiss.
Effortlessly on feathery tides,
The light of love flows ethereal strings;
Every color in the other confides
Complete, now stronger, hearts spread their wings.
As stygian water, the dark returns
The folly of circumstance, time, or strife.
Now a sanguine, savage, cold fire burns;
You clipped your wings to end a life.
In both delectation and agony doth love survive
For its strength declares that we are alive.

-Jacob Willis

1 comment:

  1. OK, I have to admit, I'm not a very accomplished poet. OK, not a poet at all, so my comments are confined to how it read to me. I like the darkness of your imagery, but am I right in seeing a victory of love nevertheless? In any event, I love where you went with this workshop activity. Thank you.

    Please write me a cover letter about this, ala page 71 in Elbow and Belanoff...that will help know more how to respond.
